Today, back to Business......

As I said in my last post that I was working on some Christmas decorations, I have finally gotten around to taking a photo of them LOL.

On the right is the Snow flake, which is very delicate and takes longer to make, and to the right is the Star (which is white with Gold flecks), which is quicker to make. I would really love to know what you think of them and how you would like to see them sold? Packs of 1, 3, or 5.
I'm going to go out hunting for some pine tree to use as a prop to take photos with.
I would really love your feedback.......


w said…
they're very dainty.

packs of 3 or 5. single flakes and single stars make me sad.
monheganmoment said…
Love them! Great work! My fav is the one of the left (in pic)
Kristin said…
They are great! I vote for a pack of 3 or 5. "One is the loneliest number..." That is a song, I believe...don't know the name of it...but, oh, I digress...Yes, 3 or 5!
T.Allen said…
They're beautiful and I'd imagine quite time consuming to create. I'd certainly say groups of 3, one just isn't enough! :)

Kylie, please contact me:

You are a winner in the Trick or Treat drawing over at Tea n Honey Bread.
Jo (ruby-jo) said…
They are beautiful. One definitely wouldn't be enough so I would say packs of 3 or 5. You have got me thinking about Christmas decorations now.
I love those! They will pop against the green of the tree! I especially love the one on the left!
-10oneworld on etsy
Stacey said…
Those are beautiful! I love the details.
Jude said…
Thank you for admiring my Blue Rose Art! How did you get to see my blog? I love your blog. You have great posts! Thanks and have a wonderful day!

All the best,

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michvanetta said…
I love them, they'd look great on my tree this year ;)

I'd be happy to see them in groups of 3 to 6.
Nicole said…
you should sell them in 1, 3 or 5 options!
they're really prety!
What a beautiful job you delicate..
Jenny's World said…
Love your decorations they made me start to think about xmas. kisses.
The Ebon Swan said…
Oh how beautiful. Are those tatted? They look like some of the tatting my friends do to keep their hands busy. :)
Anonymous said…
They're both so gorgeous! I can imagine popping a little photo in the centre of each one. One for each member of the family, and since we have 6 people (including pets) I think packs of 3 or 5. hehe
Tasha Early said…
I love the snowflake! Beautiful.
Kari said…
Those are very pretty! I think any combination of amounts would work well.
Boody Babies said…
Those are soooo pretty!

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