It's Monday!!!!

Yeh, it's Monday and I'm off to a course that I'm doing that is run though the Body Shop for mums that are wanting to start their own buziness. It's a wonderful workshop and I have learnt soo much I was so happy when they accepted my application.

Last night we decorated the Christmas tree with our 3 year old Achlan, oh hes so excited about Santa coming it is just so wonderful to see all the magic in he eyes, I wish he could believe in Santa forever.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day :)


Vicki said…
Hi there! I've come over from Crochetville to say hello! Hope you have a really lovely Christmas :-)
Vicki said…
Oooh I've just seen where you live! I bet it's lots warmer where you are!!
Lesalicious said…
Awww how cute. Welcome to the blogging world hope to drop by and see what you is up to from time to time:)
Vickie B said…
Hi Kylie,

What beautiful work you have. Do you have any crocheted christmas decorations?

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