Kits Availiable

I have been getting heaps of positive feedback from my little Lady Bug I created and there's been quite a bit of interest in selling her in a kit which will include everything but the hook to create yourself or as a gift. I will be selling the kits in Red and Black, Yellow and Black, Orange and Black, and Purple and Black.
Being such an easy to pattern to make, it would make a wonderful gift for a child that is learning to crochet or anybody that doesn't want to run around and buy the supplies to make her.
I will be selling the kits at $8.00 on my Etsy shop (link is in the upper right hand corner)
Please feel free to request an colour that you may be interested in.
I have a few projects in the making at the moment, just trying to find the time to complete them is quite challenging, without the kids pulling on the cotton or putting there dirty fingers on my white cotton Arghhhh, though I am hoping I can get them finished in the next few days (fingers crossed)
Off to do some gardening, the back yard looks like a jungle out there and I want it to be looking nice for Christmas so off to get my hands dirty.