New Doily

I have just finished creating a doily made from 100% Bamboo, not to sure if I like it or not so please let me know what you think.

I think it would look nice in a girls bedroom, or for someone that likes bright colour doilies.
Well Christmas is almost here, I now have worked out my Menu for the day, but there is still soo much cleaning to do, arghhhhh I hate cleaning windows!!!!
I have made a start on my Christmas gifts for the family, that's another reason why not much Crocheting is being done.
I am soo looking forward to the New Year, I can then start to focus on my creations and make a start on writing up my business plan and getting more organized :) Which reminds me I have to go and get a new diary for 2008 :)


Your new bamboo doily looks like a flower and it actually reminds me of the sacral chakra! I really like it. :) Tammy
CraftyAshley said…
I really like the color of your doily. Good luck finishing your gifts for your family. I should hopefully finish making the rest of my gifts in the next day or so. Then there is the cleaning.... oh well. Have a great day!
Unknown said…
I think the doily is really nice... the colors are so cheerful!

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