
Well what a weekend, the weather was shocking, and Achlan and I have a silly nose cold.

Despite feeling yuck all weekend I did manage to get some crochet done.

I made these slippers for Achlan

He loves them and he can't stop saying 'Thank-you mummy', it's so sweet.

I also had a play around with my mouse I was having so much trouble with so I decided to start again and finished up with this:
What do u think? Haven't come up with a name yet so still thinking :)

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


KieutiePie said…
Awwww that mouse is so cute!!!! I love the little scarf!
Lesalicious said…
Cute slippers love the mouse adorable.:)
Thank you for the heart on etsy, and your mouse is adorable!
sue said…
Love the mouse and the slippers so cute
Debbi-a1 said…
Love the slippers! The mouse is so cute!
Those slippers are adorable! Don't ya love it when the little ones are so appreciative...... I made my lil gal a stuffed bunny and she still walks around saying "mommy made" and "thank you". I melt:)
Anonymous said…
You've been tagged. Check my blog for more info.

Linda Eggleton said…
Wow, the little mouse is gorgeous Kylie! You're very clever with all the things that you can make.
I wish I had more time to do stuff like that....I used to always be knitting etc. I guess I just spend more time scrapping these days...LOL

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