What's this Weather??

It has been soo hot the past few days, feels like the middle of summer again. Yesterday 40 C and today only 30, then 36 C for the next few days.
Not a lot of crochet being done (well not as much as I would like), though I have been working on a few more wallets, but I am stuck with the buttons.
Dose anyone know anywhere I can buy really funky buttons for a fair price???

We took the boys to the RAAF Museum last weekend, which was kool the boys had a ball looking at all the planes, though we forgot to bring our camera, so sorry no pics :(

I hope you all surviving with this heat wave and I really hope to have more creations up real soon, :)


sue said…
have you tried op shops or even ebay?
Caroline said…
I'll trade you heat for snow! Yuk! It was our 1st day of Sping Break!
KieutiePie said…
Hi. Where have you been? /hugs

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