Well I have been busy...

My fingers have been bust coming up with new creations and these are what I have been doing., These are crochet neck warmers and is that perfect scarf for Autumn or Spring.
Please feel free to let me know what you think..
I know I need to model them on a person or at least a mannequin, i'm working on that one lol.
I also have a few other thing in the process of being made so I hop to have them all up in the next few days.
Thank-you for looking and please leave your comments :)


Hyla said…
They are beautiful! Good Work!
woolies said…
really pretty work!!!
Debra said…
Those are so cool. I love them!!

Congrats on the 100$ sale...way to go!

BTW cool blog.
I love the top one and the bottom one. All three are beautiful!
John said…
These are really cute ! Seriously, really cute !
julie king said…
Very nice! I love the color combinations! Thanks for your comment on my blog!!! And way to go on meeting your $100 in sales goal!!
Mandi said…
Oh I love them!! If only I weren't a jeans and a tshirt kind of girl, I could be stylish with one of those! ;-)
BellaJae said…
Those are so cool I really like it

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