Whats New?

This is the new scarf I have been working on and doing a few more colors too, it looks really nice IRL.

Wow, whats the big news???
I am 12 weeks Pregnant with out 3rd child so its all very exciting. My due date is the 24th Oct.
Morning sickness has been a pain, it has been lasting all day and making me feel really tired, so I hope it all stops soon as I really want to spend more time on Crocheting hahaha...
I'II pop some pics up of the other colors as I finish them :)


Anonymous said…
YAY, congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!! What fantastic news.

Love the scarf, very cute.
Beth said…
Hope the morning sickness eases up so you can do lots of crocheting.
Are you planning on making something special?
Carey said…
Congrats!!!! My third child was born almost Sept.26th, 2006 and she's a joy. Very excited for you!You're going to be surprised (I was ) with how much better maternity clothes look now!
Lesalicious said…
Great scraf. Congrats on your pregnancy. WTG :)
Caroline said…
Congratulations on the new baby! Darling scarf!

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