Boutique Creation Prize Packs

Wow check these out, This is what I will be donating to Got Sketch 102 (link on side--->) it contains 6 packs of Crochet Flowers and a Beautiful Crochet brooch. If you would like to be in the running for this and soo many other Fantastic prizes head on over to Got Sketch 102 ---->


Stella & Sugar said…
these are lovely and i like your etsy shop! very lively!
Jenn said…
Hi! Saw your blog in the etsy forums...thought I'd pop over and check it out! Love what you're doing with it, the colors you have going are great...and I love the packaging you have for your crochet flowers! :) - Jenn (rhymeswithsocks)
Lily said…
Those are very pretty! Love your etsy shop! Keep up the good work!
Jen Hintz said…
Both the flowers and your packaging look wonderful. I really need to step my packaging and other branding up a notch or two, I'm realizing. Great work!
Anonymous said…
Those are awesome. I'll definitely have to check it out more.
melissa said…
what a beautiful prize, and cute shop!

Anonymous said…
Cute crochet flowers. I wish I could do that! Lovely blog
Ronnie said…
Beautiful package Kylie! Your shop is lovely. My yard sale was very interesting and surprisingly prosperous. Thank you for asking =)
These are incredible! I love your Etsy shop!
Anonymous said…
These are too cute! The new owner will be lucky!

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