I Scrapped!

Today has been a slow day on the crochet side of things, though I did get inspired to scrap a LO, its been a while since I last did any scrapbboking so it was nice to sit down while my little one was sleeping.

Though I havn't done any housework! Argh


Beat Black said…
you sound so much like my sister-in-law. Sometimes she'll do hours of scrapbooking in a row because she knows it'll be while before she can get to it again.

housework, kids and husband really take it out of her, lol
Ah, housework - who needs it anyway? I'm too selfish about my sewing time just now so am very,very behind.
Giftbearer said…
Pretty blog! Mine is http://artlifenewsblog.blogspot.com
Unknown said…
Hi there, tks for popping over. It's been months since I last did scrapbooking, it can be very addictive and the table is a mess..well, even the house too at times. happy week/end :P

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