I Think the Drought is Breaking.....

I have had 2 sales on Esty in the past 24 hours, one for my Coffee Cup Cozies and another Custom Order, I really hope this is a sing that things are going to start piking up again.

It was good as last night I finished off another pair of Coffee Cup Cozies http://www.kylieB.etsy.com just as I made the sale, think I will have to make a few more.......lol, check them out!

I am really excited to let you all know that I will be a prize sponsor for "Got Sketch 102" http://gotsketch.blogspot.com/ Check it out its going to be a hoot! and I will have more up soon about it all.


createascene said…
Very nice items. Thanks for peeking and commenting on my blog!

Happy selling! -- Jeannie :-)
Kylie said…
Beautiful work! Congratulations on the sales :)
What a great idea! I'm also glad to hear that sales might be picking up!
CB said…
Good job on those sales Kylie B. :)I'm slowly getting people to look at my stuff over on Etsy.
Amalou said…
Congrats on the sales. I'm finding Etsy is starting to pick up. I sold quite a few things last week. Let hope it continues :-)
Lisa Brawner said…
those are adorable and very elegant

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