Looks like a busys week for Me.

I am amazed of how good things are going over at Etsy with my sales at the moment. In the past weeks i have had 11 sales, which is more than I could of ever wished for (but so thank-ful).
I have really been spending time on my shop changing a few things around, Blogging and chatting on forums etc....
So this week I have to pack and send off my orders and also finish off my prize packs for "Got Sketch 102", I might even have to ask Glenn (hubby) for some help...lol

I will get some pics up of the prize packs that will be up for grabs over at "Got Sketch 102" (link on side bar) in the next couple of days.


Congrats on your sales!! I have to say it has been a good week for me also, making up for a bad July..
Pam said…
Well done on the sales. Your work is lovely and you deserve them
elizabethjayne said…
Big congrats, 11 sales in a week is exciting! You go girl!
ella parry said…
Hi kylie_b, sound so excited.
Congratulation for salesssss.
More will come I believe.

Busy Step is coming!
Unknown said…
Congrats on your sales. I have been trying to learn how to crochet. Your things are very cute!
Stela said…
Yay!! That's so awesome! See what a little attention to the shop brings
Your items are so delicate and pretty, beautiful shop!
that's awesome you are selling a lot! I haven't sold one thing HA! I can't figure out how to get my pics to center.

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