New Cream Coasters

Its definitely starting to get harder and harder every day to get things done, I now have 9 weeks left untill this little bugger comes out and I am so looking forward to that, I just miss sleeping on my belly lol....

I know I wont be getting much crochet work done after bubz arrives so my Etsy shop will just be renewing and re listing of stock so I do plan on getting as much up into the shop before the baby comes.

This is a set of coasters I have just finished I hope you like them:


I really like these coasters...the edge is so sweet...
BeadedTail said…
Very pretty coasters - I really like the colors!
Kristin said…
oooh..yes yes yes. I so missed sleeping on my belly too..when I was big with baby!!
Cute coaters! Great blog too!
w said…

(congrats on the bugger).
elizabethjayne said…
Those coasters are so pretty - they remind me of the Victorian era for some reason.

I think I'd miss sleeping on my side more than anything, at least sleepwise. Good luck with the delivery! Will he be your first?
nina kuriloff said…
your coasters are very beautiful!

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