Business is Slowing.....

I have been reading a lot on Blogs and forums that's sales on Etsy have been slowing and mainly due to the World economics, its quite scary to hear all this happening.
My advice is make the most of this slow period by stocking up on stock for you shop and get creative so that your shop is FULL of yummies and when everyone feels its safe to start spending again your shops will be full of variety.

I am starting on a few scarves for my etsy shop and also a few more Coffee Cup Cozies in a variety of colors, so stay tuned for those.

I had a check-up yesterday with the Midwife and shes not too sure I will make it to my next appointment as bubz is VERY low, so if you don't all hear from me for a few days that could be the reason......I'm getting soo excited about meeting this little feller, I got all his bags packed and started mine so I'm ready if he dose decide to come a little early.


Kim Caro said…
i think people are buying what they LOVE. i see alot of shops thriving...
Kristin said…
I am excited for you to meet your new baby...My first was born on September 30..maybe that will be your day? Although, my first will be 3 this 30th. (by the way, I am sure the economy will be rebounding! Hope hope!)
I am getting excited for baby news too. I hope you're feeling good.
So true about getting your stock together, etc. during slow times. Last week was probably my slowest since I started over a year ago...but I spent the week working on new designs, my website, etc. and feel much better prepared for the holiday rush that I hope to have! :)
TheSeaWithin said…
Good luck with the new baby's arrival!1
Terrific advice for slow times! I will be doing a lot of that myself over the coming weeks :) Good luck & congrats on being so close to popping!
PAC said…
If people see something they MUST have then it will be bought!

btw, So exciting about baby!
Kim said…
lovely blog you have here!
Sayraphim said…
I think it'll be interesting times. I'm convinced that people will more than ever turn to making their own stuff, which will grow awareness of those of us who already do. I think there'll be much more a sence of community as people come together over this.

Beautiful work you do, btw! (from a fellow DUSTer) Good luck with your little one...
Melissa said…
Best of luck to you!! How exciting this time must be. :) I am working on some stock for my shop as well. :)

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