
Spring has just started and the sun has just started to come out, it is so nice to see the sun and it makes such a difference on your mood and energy.
Yesterday was a beautiful day so I decided to pop out into the garden and pull out some of the winter weeds, before I knew it the bin was full lol.
I also have had a good couple of days in the creation side of things too, I made some Halloween Coffee Cup Cozies:
I also made a new Light Box and have fixed up a few of my old photos, feel free to take a look and tell me what you think.....
TFL :)


Kristin said…
I love the cozie with the button closure...too cute!!
Your color combinations on the coffee cozies are super...
and you're getting ready for spring? Hard to get my brain around that one!!
Desreen said…
Your things are cute. Is it really just Spring in Australia?
Anonymous said…
You're freaking me out! I'm starting to relish the cool weather that comes with autumn, my favorite season.

Great cup cozy. You do beautiful work!
steppie said…
Thanks so much for your comment on my blog! I'm glad you like the panda bear as much as I do! :)

That cozy is adorable!
I love this idea!!! too cute :)I found your blog on etsy !!
Kylie said…
Is it still spring like down your way? It's raining, windy and rather cool here :/

Aren't light boxes great! I have moved back to taking my pics in my light box...daylight is too unpredictable.

Love the cozie too :D
AshleySpatula said…
I work in a coffee shop and I love the idea of handmade re-usable cup cozies, we hand out SO many of those stupid cardboard ones it's not even funny. If I could I would promote all you guys and gals that make these but I think it's a no-no where I work!
artsyclay said…
thanks for visiting my blog! your tea cozies are the cutest!

enjoy your spring. it's my favorite season and now i have to wait 6 months. waaaaaa.
Melanie said…
Your shop is wonderful Kylie! And I love your etsy picks too. Melanie
Mary Ann said…
I'm so jealous. I love summer and ours has just ended. I am so not ready for winter.
Kat said…
That is really cute!

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