Christmas Stars Now in Shop!

I have now managed to get quite a few packets of the Christmast stars made and I now have them up in my shop. I have White/Gold and also White/Silver available.I decided to sell them on sets of 3 (being the most popular amount) but also giving the option if you would like a different quantity to please just contact me.
Off to make a start on the SnowFlakes now.......


Anonymous said…
They are so pretty, and something really many store bought decorations are gaudy, and not too well made >^.^<
Georgie Love said…
Congrats on the impending arrival! Very exciting (and tiring!) times. :-)

Can't be long for you to go now, as I have been told and read that your weight starts to go down just before bub decides to come - fingers crossed for you and best of luck!

I love these...probably a "snap" for you to do...I have yet to master crocheting in a circle!
Talli said…
Awww, it can`t be xmas already !

You've been tagged on my blog !

Feel free to join in the game ^_^
Unknown said…
Those are really beautiful, love them:)
Stela said…
very cute! no wonder why they sold so quick!
We had some plastic snowflakes on the winter tree in the lobby where we held our wedding reception (Dec '06)...nowhere near as pretty as these gems! Nice work!
Anonymous said…
Great idea! Can't wait to see all the Christmas stuff in Etsy!
Giftbearer said…
Very pretty ornaments!
Gifted Designs said…
Those stars are really pretty...they look so classic!

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