Creative Weekend

Wow this weekend I managed to get quite a bit done, even though I have been insanely busy with the family.I managed a LO and 2 or 3 cards for a Cyber Crop over at , which I just love and had a fantastic time!

I also manages to have a go at a few different Christmas stars/snow flakes (just waiting for them to dry).

I also received a custom order for some wash cloths which I have almost finished, I just love them and thinking about doing more for the shop in a variety of colors.

So I managed to get quite a few things done which was fantastic!

Still waiting for baby Liam to arrive, I'm now 38 weeks so I guess he could come anytime now. I am feel good, just very tired and FAT!


Leah said…
LOve your scrapbooking! yes add some dishcloths to your etsy store, I love them!
wendy treseder said…
Ooh, I love all the layers and dimension on that LO. Gorgeous!

Isn't it good to take the time to play? :):)
Kristin said…
It does sound like you have been busy! I don't know how you manage that at 38 weeks, I remember, in my first pregnancy in particular, I gained so much weight, and much of it was water weight at the end ....but My toes were so fat, I couldn't even seperate them!! ha ha, the joy of pregnancy! But you will have your Liam soon, so all is worth it. Congrats in advance!

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