Sold already.......

Wow just after putting up a set of each of the Christmas stars I had sold a set of each within hours. I have never had anything sold so quickly it is fantastic.
There are still heaps more and I have just ordered more cotton to get more made,
Thank-you to everyone for your wonderful comments!


Lisa said…
Congrats! They're super cute, and it's perfect timing for listing holiday decor.
Hana said…
I love those ornaments! Just beautiful! Congrats on the quick sale!
Suc beautiful ornaments! Congrats on selling them.
Anonymous said…
I'm not surprised they sold so quickly. They are totally adorable. So pure and Christmasy. Well done
Jennifer said…
They are adorable! Congrats on the quick sale :-)
Debra said…
Congrats on the fast sale. Is't it great when something sales fast....
Homemade Zen said…
yay! Congrets you have beautiful items!
Kristin said…
That makes me so happy for you...Was that a wonderful feeling, or what??!! YEAH!!

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