Busy, Busy, Busy

Sorry about the long delay between posts, I just haven't had the time to pop on...
Wow Liam is now 3 weeks old and I don't think I have finished a cup of coffee or at least a hot cup of coffee LOL.....

This house has become a crazy house!

Liam is doing wonderfully, both Achlan and Thomas just adore him and are both so helpful with him.

Achlan is so proud of is little brother!

As hectic as family life has been, I have also been busy finishing off an order of 200 Snowflakes for EMPOWA for them to sell at there fund raising day.

Now that I have finished the order I have a few days of relaxing with my boyz then a new custom order starts next week for some brooches. I just can't believe how bust I have been.......its crazy! (but fantastic, saving for a laptop :))


Your boys are so adorable.Good luck with your new baby boy:0)Love his name super cute.
Anonymous said…
Achlan and Liam look like quite the team... What a cute pair! Wishing your family a wonderful Thanksgiving~~
Leah said…
a new lap top sounds great, those little bys are so cute!

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