Liam has arrived.....

Sorry about the MIA for a week or so I have been a little busy. Liam arrived on the 31st Oct. (Halloween Baby) He is so beautiful and a whopping 9lb 1 oz, we didn't expect him to be soo big.
He's all Cheeks! He is doing so well and sleeping wonderfully and only waking once during the night, he is such a blessing.
More cute pics will come :)

So the crochet has taken the back seat the past week or so, I am now just starting to get back into the snowflakes still have heaps to do but I should get there lol.


CurlyPops said…
Congratulations! He is beautiful.
Leah said…
Gorgeous bouncing boy!! Congratulations!!
I am so excited to ready your new...when I saw you had an update, I checked into your blog first today!! Congratulations.
Anonymous said…
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Wow! What a WONDERFUL Halloween TREAT you and your family received! Such a sweetie... looks like he will be a happy, healthy baby! Wishing you all well! Give those little cheeks kisses!
Congratulations! I am one of you 'fans' follow yr blog quite sometimes.
Kristin said…
Congratulations!! A Halloween baby, how fun!! He is absolutely beautiful..enjoy him, as I know you are!! =)
indidi said…
He is so very cute!! :o)
Renee said…
Liam is just beautiful Kylie. Congrats!!!

Love renee (aka renee270101)
melanie said…
congratulations! He's gorgeous!!
Renee said…
Congratulations and happy babymoon! Liam is adorable and his big brothers look so proud and happy.

(Found you on Etsy.)

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