Where have I been???

Well we have just come back from a wonderful Holiday travelling around NSW, Australia! We had such a lovely time and I think it what we all needed. A break from the everyday routine.......

The kids had a ball, doing different things to what we would normally do, so it was also refreshing for them too.
So I have lots of pics to catch up on, Christmas, Achlans Birthday and some holiday pics too:

Achlan Christmas day

Boys at the park in Glenrowan

  Achlan B'day
Achlan and Tomo!

Well these are just a few I still have soo many to go though!

So now that I have taken a nice little brake from everything Monday is my 'get my butt into gear day' and start working out a few new creations and coming up with some new ideas for my shop!

I would just like to Thank all the lovely people that come a visit my Blog and Shop and for all your lovely comments last year, Thank-you!


I'm so glad to hear you have been enjoying a break and that everything is OK with you. I'll be looking forward to seeing your new creations! Have a good weekend. Natalie
Leah said…
I love that spiderman cake, that must have been an exciting birthday!
Nes said…
Your boys are growing up fast Kylie...and that cake is awesome!!

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