Address Book Cover

This is a new desgin I have been working on and will be spending more time on once I finish all the flowers I have to do, any color suggestions would be fantastic!
This is the one I'm using at the moment and have a couple of wholesale orders for sops so hoping it will be successful!
Wow I just relised that I am coming up to my 100th post  so that means a giveaway will be coming after our Easter Brake so stay tuned :)
Have a wonderful Safe Easter!


This book cover is so very sweet. I'll bet those who journal would like it too! Take care ~Natalie
sue said…
I love the colors its looks great.
Linda Eggleton said…
Your book cover is gorgeous're so, so clever!
Leah said…
This is just grogeous, have a lovely easter with those boys!
Sarah said…
That is so pretty :)
Debra said…
Hi Kylie I've just discovered your site via Scoutle. Your journal cover looks great.
Ceci said…
Ooh Kylie I just love your crochet stuff it is you sell them on etsy? Thanks for dropping by my blog. :)
Ceci said…
(Reposting this comment as I used wrong google account first time)

Kylie I just love your crochet stuff it is gorgeous! Do you sell it on etsy? Thanks for dropping by my blog too. :O)

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