Wow this is my 100th Post and a Give-away!

As promised my 100th post will be a give away, so if you leave me some love I will randomaly pick 2 winners for a nice little RAK (Random Ack of Kindness)

So eave some love and  2 winners will be picked on Friday!


Leah said…
YAY, please count me in, love your work! Happy 100th post!
Alison Arif said…
I have only just found your blog but am now following it :)
It is really easy going and enjoyable to read.
Alison Arif said…
I have just found your blog and am now following :) Very easy going and enjoyable to read.
Hi there. I’m one of your tweets! Love your stuff, especially the Christmas stars. I am desperate to try crochet, one day!
Linda Eggleton said…
Congrats on your 100th blog post Kylie! Looking forward to seeing some of your Tassie photos! Sounds like you had a nice relaxing time :)
Good Morning Kylie, Congratulations on your 100th post. I've missed you in blogland, but imagine you are very busy with your little boys.
Have a good day ~Natalie
Hi Kylie, I would love to be including in your giveaway. I found you via twitter but recognised the image of Liam as your facebook photo! I LOVE those cup holders and would love to feature the image on Haby G if you don't mind :-)
Angela said…

I love your work and it still reminds me of the movie "Penelope."

Have a great day!
KayzKreationz said…
Congrats on your 100th post. I've been enjoying your posts and your pics of your crocheting. They're adorable. Keep it up.
Pammy Sue said…
Lots of love from a lurker!

Audrey said…
Did you pick already? I just found you!! Congrats on 100 posts!
Anonymous said…
Congrats sweetie:)

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