Little update on the Family

Wow where has the time gone???
Liam is now 9 months, I just feel like I have blinked, he is growing o quickly! Hes so beautiful though, he now crawling and sitting all by himself and his favorite word is Mamamama, its so sweet!

Thomas, is becoming very chatty and picking up on most word very quickly and his speech is really coming along. I think having him at Day care once a week has really made a huge difference to him he is soo much more confident with-in himself! He is now 2 1/2 is it totally obsesed with trains lol, he won't even go to sleep with-out them! Very cute!

And Achlan is just blowing me out every day, he is soo clever and such a careing sweet boy especially to his little brothers, he if flying though Kinder and now begining to right his name and numbers and he is doing so well at that! I can't belive he is now 4 1/2, where dose the time go???It really dose only feel like yesterday that I was holding him in my arm in the hospital, Glenn and I with tears in our eyes looking at our beautiful boy!

I embrace every day with these beautiful boys cause I know oneday I will just look at them all grown up and they will be too big for kisses and cuddles!


Kate8085 said…
What a bunch of cutie pies!!
Are you outnumbered or what? :)
Little Lovables said…
they are so cute! I have 2 boys and my sis has 3 boys all around the same ages, it's a fun (though crazy) time~
Cyndi said…
Aw, boys are never too big for kisses and snuggles! What sweet little men. :)
Anonymous said…
Ahhh look at those adorable faces. Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for the sweet comment and following my blog. I've added myself to your followers list too. Have a great evening!
shannonmari3 said…
So exciting! They are all so cute. :)
Audrey said…
You have very cute boys! My baby is 17.5 years old and graduates from high school next June! Time does fly, it's crazy!

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