New Sparkely Brooch

This beautiful Brooch has been made from a Mohair yarn with a silver thread though it, I have added a beautiful Bling Button in the centre to help give it some elegance!

Its now available from my Etsy Store


KarenB said…
Hi Kylie, thanks for visiting my blog :) I love your crocheted creations, so pretty.
cabin + cub said…
Cute! Love the plum colour! ;)
shannonmari3 said…
Neat! I've never seen Mohair with silver thread before. It's very pretty. And thank you for all the lovely comments on my blog! :D
this is a pretty brooch for the fall weather!
Ceci said…
Love this pretty. Thanks for dropping by my blog Kylie! :)
Lucy Edson said…
How beautiful! You have lovely things in your etsy store!

Great to see you at inspireMe! :)

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