
I really wanted to make a post just to say thank-you to all the lovely people that have left such wonderful comments!

What have I been doing apart from running around after my 3 boys, I have finished the HUGE wholesale order (apart from 2 colors which I'm still waiting on coming in) I have made a few more rings. I was lucky enough to get featured on a few Blogs and on the Madeit site.
Which resulted in a few sales. I amd now gone back to working on the notebooks that I started a few months back, still working on the colors and desgin ect. but they seem to becoming along!
This is a new color ring, I just LOVE this color at the moment!

This is one of the new NoteBooks I have been working on!


Living said…
That's a nice notebook!
Grace said…
Working on wholesale orders! Oh, sounds fun! ;)
Nice new rings, too!
pleasurearts said…
lovely ring, the notebook looks really great! :)
M.M.E. said…
Very cool ring! Nice blog here too! Great to find another etsy artist.
Leah said…
Congrats on the sales, I love those notebooks!
cabin + cub said…
Cute notebook! And very cute ring too! ;)
shannonmari3 said…
Wow, I really love that notebook! A beautiful color/design. <3

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