Almost there.....

Well after accidentally deleting my FaceBook Fan Page (opps) I have started a new one and have already got over 100 back, so that's good!

I have also been busy putting a few new things into my shop: 

 This is a Fun Summer Brooch!

This is a beautiful Dusty Pink Phone Cozie

This is my NEW Phone Charm!

Would love to hear what you think!


CurlyPops said…
Love the phone cosy - what a sweet idea!
Anonymous said…
love the pinky orange brooch! I am still getting comments on my orange one :)
cabin + cub said…
love the brooch.. so cute!

also, thanks for voting for my collage yesterday! ;)
the phone cozie is adorable! and the phone that's in it (it's so small!)
Glad to hear your facebook fan base is growing back!

Thanks so much for your support with my giveaway :-)

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