New Listings

First of all I want to thank everyone that helped me get my Facebook Fan Page but up and running I now over 200 fans back, I am very greatful to you all and all the wonderful comments that you leave xoxoxox

This is the New creations I have put in my shop Today:

Pink Card Clutch

Purple Card Clutch

Hot Pink Summer Fun Brooch

3 Layer Summer Flower Brooch

I hope everyone is LOVING the Sun Shine!


Audrey said…
Those flowers are so cool!! They would look great on a crocheted bag! Just imagine - a "bag o' flowers!"
Tracy said…
Lovely little flowers...and such pretty candy colors too! Your creative place in blogland is a happy place :o)
Design Lab 443 said…
you have really cute things!
Leah said…
I love the little card clutches!
Hello, I wanted to leave a comment for you because I've really enjoyed having a nose around your site. You have great pictures and you write really well too.

Thank you for sharing and best wishes, have a lovely weekend
Jaz Higgins said…
oooh very pretty! i love pink! i think the last one is my fave =)
Anonymous said…
they all look so beautiful

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