

After a weekend of not doing anything, which I think was good for me! I think I am now recharged!
Sometimes I feel it just nice to step back for a bit and focus om somethine else????

So anyway I did some scrapbooking, Yah! I decided to join in the Forever Always Cyber Crop it was soo much fun and inspiration, here's 2 of the Challenges I completed:

Both of Liam :)
We also went down to a Cousins Birthday party which was wonderful the boys had a ball!
So this week I plan on getting a few things done, I want to get a few more brooches up and also a few more bookmarks :)


Leah said…
They are both beautiful pages! Glad to hear that you are feeling refreshed!
Ceci said…
Love those layouts Kylie! I have only managed one for the FA CC so far. Good to hear you are feeling recharged. x
A woman of many talents!!! Those pages look adorable - how can they not when the images of Liam are that cute :-)
Tricia said…
Lovely blog and creations! check out my blog...kmT designs just gave it a make over!

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