I need help

I'm sure most of you that know me wouldn't disagree with that.....lol But I do really need some peoples help.

I am wanting to display some of my crochet appliqué's on finished products, but I just have the time to crochet and sew etc..... So I am looking for some crafters that I can send some off to and that will be willing to place my appliqué onto you finished product (can be anything clothing, bags, scrapbooking LO's etc....) and send me a photo to use as an example. All credit will be given, shop link, blog link etc...And you also get to choose what colour appliqués you would like and they are yours to keep.

I am looking for 2 or 3 peope to take photo's on different products so if you are interested please leave your email address and a link to your Blog I will leave his open until next week (19th Oct) and then choose. If you would like to hear more please email me: kabes_20@yahoo.com.au


Sarah said…
Hi Kylie, i have often thought about your work and asking you if i could buy some to put onto my Snuggle Pods in some way.. I want to make nice white ones and think your crochet appliqué's (in white also) would look beautiful on them, let me know what you think =)

sarah @ lilaandmay.com. au
Sunweeds said…
Hi Kylie I'd be willing to have a go I could make brooches or bouquets, whatever you like, I'm always up for a challenge or something different.If you're interested let me know :D
Sunweeds said…
P.S I could put them on custom bunting too, I am currently making xmas and birthday ones
Kali said…
Hi Kylie...I've been wanting to contact you regarding something like this.
Kali @ Poppy Lane
Anonymous said…
I'll be more than happy to help out Kylie if you still need someone, your flowers etc are gorgeous!!

Mis xo

Hi there,

I make ceramic buttons and sell them in my shop on Etsy: meltinmuddstudio. I would love to send you some of my tiny buttons to use in the center of your appliques. If you would like to do an exchange, I would create brooches and one of a kind necklaces with your finished pieces and we can both use the pictures. Just let me know :) Stephanie
willywagtail said…
I could use a couple on bags for you or perhaps folders. Your work is gorgeous. My email is cherie.1000@yahoo.com.au
Unknown said…
Kylie if you need me, I would love to help ;)
Lulu froufrou said…
Your flowers are devine - I make girls hair clipies and headbands - let me know if something like that would be good.

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