It's Begining to look a lot like Christmas

Oh wow where has the year gone, it's now December, we have our Christmas lights up and going to put the tree up very soon. The boys are starting to get really excited that Santa will be here soon. I love Christmas and everything about it, it is such a magical time :)

I have just finished starching and ironing 300 Christmas Stars, some for orders and others for the up coming market this weekend. This weekend will be my first ever market, I am a tad

Here are a few pics I have been playing around with to the market, though not 100% happy with a few things so i will be out shopping on Friday to pick up a few extras :)

Christmas Stars.
And here is a link to the rest of the pics (sorry about a link havn't installed the camera software on the laptop  Photo's


good luck with your market stall Kylie - the stars look fantastic!
Sunweeds said…
Your stars look great, good luck at the market, I'm sure you'll have a great time with everyone oohing and aahing over your wares.
Leah said…
I hope that the market went well, your stars look beautiful!

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