
Wow soo much has been happening over the past few weeks with Boutique Creations:
  • Boutique Creations is now on http://www.boutiquecreations.com.auYah I have finally brought the domain name :)
  • I am doing my first ever market on the 6th of December at the Mulgrave Farmers Market which is very exciting but I'm soo nervous.
  • I also got my small business loan approved which means I can really start to put the few changes in place!

Over the next few weeks I will be making a few changes to my online shop, jazz it up a bit. If anyone know someone that is any good with CSS codes pleas let me know!

I will be back in a few days with some beautiful photo's of Liam's 1st Birthday, I still can't belive how quickly the past 12 months has gone......


MooBear Designs said…
Congrats on ALL 3 points... The universe is full of wonder!!

xo Steph
Linda Eggleton said…
Huge congrats Kylie!!! & good luck with your little business for the future.

I tried to go to your new website, but the link wouldn't work for me :(
Leah said…
How exciting, can't wait to see your changes and the birthday pics!

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