Market Day

Well Yesterday was my first ever Market and it was fantastic!

I made a few sales and also made some wonderful contacts, It was also really good to get the experiance of selling face to face so I will defently be doing it again! :)

Yesterday my biggerst seller would of had to of been the Christmas Stars I made sure I had made plenty of them and I still have quite a few left, so I have popped them up in my shops.

Silly me forgot to take a photo of the store but I will be settin things up again real soon so I will make sure I have my Camera :)


hotjavva said…
I like the way you presented your stars on the tree, I am sure that helped sales. Good for you!
Narelle said…
Isn't that the way?
You take so much time & thought into setting things set up only to forget to take a photo!

Congrats on your first market.

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