New Brooches

Here are some of the New brooches I made up this afternoon while the kiddies were playing(making a big mess) with the Play-Doh

More colors will be coming soon and maybe better photo???

Thanks for looking


cabin + cub said…
very cute! i love the bright pink one!
Sonya said…
These are very cute! I love the button in the center, it's a nice touch!
MooBear Designs said…
The brooch is my favourite!! I am wearing one of yours right now with a matching hair pin!!

xo Steph
Monique said…
Oh wow, these are adorable!!
Monique said…
I love your snowflakes :0)
Sonia said…
I bought one of these on the weekend at the Mulgrave market. I love it. I wore it in the afternoon on a cream lace blouse I had. Perfect.

The Little Miss said…
oh love these. Im going to order some for Valentines day!!!!

I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas!!! I hope your week is going great!

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Swift Jan said…
ooh they are pretty!

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