My Creative Block....

I can't believe it has been a month since I last Blogged.......Crazy how quickly this year is going already!

I have been working hard trying to get ready for the Markets but I think I have finally crashed and burned. so I have decided not to do many Markets this year. When my babies are older and off to school I know I will be able to sit down and work harder on things...IYKWIM???

So at the moment I am in the process of getting some of my creations up that I had ready for the Markets, here's some:
These are a couple of the Pin Cushions, I also have a few New brooches and and few extra bits that I will be uploading over the next few days.


Aaargh, the mum/partner/work balance - it's never easy! There's no wrong decision just a balance that works for you. Good on you Kylie for finding yours!
Monique said…
I know what you mean about the crash and burn problem... Mummies have so much on their plate "sigh" Very cute pin cushions, Kylie. You do adorable work!!
. said…
Ficou lindaaa!
Nes said…
I hear ya Kylie, I've just updated's been 5 months...Aaaargh!!!

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