A few little things I have been working on......

Oh wow I can't belive I am 17 weeks pregnante already, we are going to have our scan on the 27th of August and find out what were having (getting a tad excited) and then I have 20 weeks to get the nursery sorted out and looking good!

IPhone Cozie

IPhone Cozie

Address Book
I have been busy making a few things, some custom orders and some just playing around :)

I hope everyone is well off to catch up on your Blogs now :)


Ceci said…
Thanks for dropping into my blog Kylie. Those iphone cozies are just so cute. Wow 17 weeks already..the time is flying, for me anyway lol. ;)
Anonymous said…
Hi Kylie
thanks for commenting over on my blog. Lovin what you're doing here. Crotchet really appeals to me and I'm starting to have a go. Will check out your stores too!
Cheers, Lynda

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