Give Away!!!! ;)

Thank-you to all those that are fans on my Facebook Fan Page I have now reached just over 1400 Fans ;)

To say thank-you I will be holding a Give Away which I will leave open for a week, all you have to do is leave a comment telling me what you would like so see be created or more of in my shop. and Next Saturday the 18th of September (which is also my Birthday) I will draw one random lucky winner to with a ring of there choice of color :)


Congratulations on 1400 fans!!!
I would love to see more doily/coasters! They are so sweet. :)
Keza said…
Hi kylie
Well done 1400,fans.
I would like to see more
Baby Beanies they are adorable,and maybe matching cardies.
Teresa Abajo said…
I adore your brooches - you have a real eye for colour!
mel said…
I love your rings and brooches - love the colours you use.
Congrats on 1400 fans... thats a small village you know!!
MooBear Designs said…
Woohoo... Giveaway time! I would like to see more ladies crocheted bikini's hehehe... that's not very helpful is it??!! I can't get enough of your scrap book embellishments for my hat but your note books are scrummy too!!

xo Steph
Micaela said…
Maybe some headbands with crocheted flowers?
Laurenav said…
I would love to see some hair the rings but with a hair clip/band attached to the back, that would be really cute!
Lauren said…
I would love to see some hair accessories, like the rings but with a hair clip/band attached to the back, that would be really cute.
Claire Atoxim said…
Congrats on reaching 1400 fans! and Happy Birthday for the 18th, mine's on the 19th!

It would be really nice to see some of your creations in 2 colours.
blondie said…
Again, Congrats on 1400 fb fans. I would love to see wide crocket wrist cuffs, more rings and maybe some necklaces.

Keep up the great creative.
Angylene said…
hmm .. maybe some packs of different embellishments?? they're sooo cute!!! :)
Shantelle Vance said…
Yay! Well done on 1400 fans. You've been working hard :) I would love to more hair accessories. You know the style with the aligator clip, that can be worn in hair alone or can mix and match with the beanies and headbands. Or gloves too. Also I was carrying my laptop tucked with my books the other day and thought how cool it would be to have a cover either like the phone puches or one that wraps around and fastens with a few buttons. Keep up the great work!
Gem said…
Congrats on 1400 fans, we've just reached 1400 too, so I know how exciting it is!

I would love to see notebook or ipad covers/sleeves! Similar to your mobile phone covers only bigger!

Love your creations, happy birthday for sat, (mines on Monday!)and congrats on your pregnancy! :D
kimberley belford said…
Congrats on reaching 1400, it is awesome
more embellishments for sure

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