Meet our Bubba

Here is a pic of our bubba #4 And it's another Boy! Yay! So I have been busy trying to get a few things ready for him (Due in Jan) and I'm currently working on a blanket for him :) Any name suggestions, we seem to be having trouble finding a nice name for Achlan Thomas and Liam are already taken!


Leah said…
Congratulations, good luck with the name selection, I bet that the blanket is beautiful too!
cabin + cub said…
Congrats! That is very exciting! As for names...we had more girl ones than boy ones picked out.. so it was easy for us to name our new boy Jasper.
LisaW said…
Congrats Kylie! Another boy to bless the nest. Looks like you've gone all Irish in the names dept how about...Conor, or Patrick, or Owen, or Aidan...too many to choose from! Good luck!!
Gem said…
Noah? I am though its my son's name :D

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