Finding my Mojo.....

I'm slowly getting back into things around here, have been busy crocheting in between feeding Macey and running a house with 5 kiddies, so hopefully I will have my poor shop looking a bit more loved in the next coming weeks.

I will have some Scarf's, Bag's and some Flower's coming very soon that I'm working on now (just have to find the time to take some photo's).

Here's a few:

And here is the beautiful Miss Macey xoxox


Nauli said…
She is a really beautiful baby. Congratulations!
Lara said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog today! Your new baby is beautiful, congratulations!
The Right Jack said…
Lucky you! But also, tired you... don't know where you are finding the time for anything more than the basics with a new baby. Congratulations to you.

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