Lot of Photos......hehehe

Well once again it has been a while since I last blogged, time just seems to be going way too fast, kids growing up way too quickly :(

Been keeping myself busy with 5 kiddies and the crochet and heres a little of what I have been doing:

Tiny Crochet Hearts
Pack of 5 for $3.00
kabes_20@yahoo.com to make an order.

IPhone Cozie
Phone Cozie
Baby Bonnets
I have also made the decision for the moment to close down my Etsy Shop and only run my Madeit.com.au shop, there just isn't enough hours in the day to run, promote and list on both. If you are an international buyer you can still buy off Madeit.com.au though feel free to email me at kabeb_20@yahoo.com.au



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