How doTERRA has changed our lives......

Yep sounds corny, but its true!

Since starting using the oils in our everyday lives, things have just gone from insane to being able manage and get through the day. Especially with Macey and her not sleeping and her extreme ADHD behaviours.

What I have found to be the most effective blend on Macey to help keep her calm during the day is a mix of Vetiver, Cedarwood and Lavender. Five drops of each in a 30ml roller bottle then topped with fractionated coconut oil. Rolled onto the soles on her feet and up and down her spine first thing in the morning, then repeat as needed (normally 2-3 times a day)

These have helped keep her calmer and help control the ADHD behaviours and made each day so much more easier on me.
Beforehand it was insane, she would seriously be bouncing off the walls destroying everything in her path and I could not take my eyes off her for even for a second.  
Now she is more focused and will sit down and play or watch a show on TV, I can read her a book and brush her hair without her running off.
Her language has also improved and can now say a complete sentence, whereas before she would just say a bunch of random words and they made no sense or had purpose.
I was so hard seeing her like this knowing that only 12 months ago she was a normal healthy and very intelligent little girl.

The other massive improvement is her sleeping.....she wound not sleep until 12am-1am every night then be up at 5am every morning. I was at my breaking point, not only was I not getting enough sleep but having to chase Macey around every night was wearing me out big time!

Now after dinner I give her a foot massage of Lavender Peace and Vetiver diluted with fractionated coconut oil and she's down buy 7:30/8:00 every night. Not only is she getting a good nights sleep but I'm getting a chance to relaxed and get a good nights sleep too.

These oils have really changed our lives and I want to be able to reach out to as many parents with kids who have similar issues and hopefully encourage to give them a go.

If you would like a free sample, please leave a comment or follow the link:


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