
Showing posts from December, 2007

New Idea, thoughts please

Tell me what you think?????? I have just finished creating this, I would really love to hear people opinions. It is a coaster which I have placed a Doily in the centre and decorated the coaster itself. What do u all think????

The Cristmas Rush is Over!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to the New Year!!! My Boys were spoilt rotten on Christmas, but they both had so much fun opening all there prezzies from Santa and the family. I also updated my purse the I did the other day, and it now looks so much better with a crochet flower (there's a pic in my Etsy shop). Now that Christmas is out of the way I can now start to relax a bit and focus on making more crochet goodies for my shop, so keep looking as I am going to try and put something new in every second day (that's my plan anyway). I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year and stay safe on the roads. :)

Merry Christmas

Well it's Christmas Eve, so I hope everyone has a wonderful day tomorrow. We are having the family over for lunch. I now have everything to go just a few last minute things and then all done. I finished making this cute little purse yesterday, though I'm not 100% happy with it, I thought I would try and put a fabric flower on it, but looking at it now, I have decided to go with a crochet flower which I will replace that tonight. What do u all think, it will look better with a crochet flower?? I'm looking forward to Boxing Day, I will be then be able to focus 100% of my spare time to crocheting and creating new items for my shop so stay tuned... I almost forgot, I made my first sale on Etsy, the little black purse sold and it's now on its way to Los Angela's, I was soo happy when I made my first sale I was doing the Happy Dance... LOL I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and I will be posting pics of my boys opening all there prezzies from Santa.

It's Almost Christams :)

Only have 3 more dayz to get things in order, things are starting to get there but there's still heaps to do. I scrubbed the grout around the tiles with a toothbrush yesterday so now the kitchen floor looks all pretty and clean. I have also been madly crocheting and trying my luck at felting, it's in the machine now so fingers crossed it turns out. Then I will have a few more goodies up here tomorrow :) I have also added some of my favourite Etsy shops as links from my Blog, so after you all have a look at mine jump on over and have a look there are some wonderful shops full of beautiful hand-made goodies. I hope everyone is coping with the Mad Christmas Rush. Have a wonderful weekend all.!!

My new Little Purse

Well I seem to be on a roll lately, today I got my little purse finished.. Yaaaah . The leaves and flower has also crochet and I have finished it off with a vintage button. Let me know what you think :) It is just perfect for your mobile, keys or cards in events when you don't want to take a big hand- bag with you. I have more pics over at my Etsy shop, take a look. :)

New Doily

I have just finished creating a doily made from 100% Bamboo, not to sure if I like it or not so please let me know what you think. I think it would look nice in a girls bedroom, or for someone that likes bright colour doilies. Well Christmas is almost here, I now have worked out my Menu for the day, but there is still soo much cleaning to do, arghhhhh I hate cleaning windows!!!! I have made a start on my Christmas gifts for the family, that's another reason why not much Crocheting is being done. I am soo looking forward to the New Year, I can then start to focus on my creations and make a start on writing up my business plan and getting more organized :) Which reminds me I have to go and get a new diary for 2008 :)

Kits Availiable

I have been getting heaps of positive feedback from my little Lady Bug I created and there's been quite a bit of interest in selling her in a kit which will include everything but the hook to create yourself or as a gift. I will be selling the kits in Red and Black, Yellow and Black, Orange and Black, and Purple and Black. Being such an easy to pattern to make, it would make a wonderful gift for a child that is learning to crochet or anybody that doesn't want to run around and buy the supplies to make her. I will be selling the kits at $8.00 on my Etsy shop (link is in the upper right hand corner) Please feel free to request an colour that you may be interested in. I have a few projects in the making at the moment, just trying to find the time to complete them is quite challenging, without the kids pulling on the cotton or putting there dirty fingers on my white cotton Arghhhh, though I am hoping I can get them finished in the next few days (fingers crossed) Off to do some gard...

I have almost been Blogging a week.

Yea!!!! I got some really kool news today, I had won a competition from my local Scrapbooking shop, it was for a LO that I submitted in last month challenge, I'm so stoked. OMG I cant believe it's almost Christmas, I have nothing ready and I'm hosting Christmas this year, I think it time to get those skates on and get the menu sorted We took our boys, Thomas and Achlan to see all the pretty Christmas Lights..Oh Achlan was so cute "Look Mama Merry Christmas Lights" it just sounded so cute when he was saying it. Then when we finally got home (2 hours later), he steps out of the car and says "Thank-you mama for the Merry Christmas Lights", my heart just melted, he has soo much spirit. My youngest Thomas is going though a very clingie stage atm but I did get to take this very cute photo of him. So not much crochet done though I have just started another lovely doily, and I also sent out some small Christmas stars to a few friends. As much as I love...

Meet my Christmas Birdies

Wow what a busy past couple of dayz it has been, the business course has just been wonderful and has really opened my eyes into the world of business. I have so much mixed emotions about it, excited by the thought of where I can go with it and also the fear of where it can take me, but in a positive way. So at the moment it's all about learning, research and putting it all into practice. Meet my very untraditional wonky Christmas Decorations, they are both made out of felt and hand stitched together. I had so much fun making these and they look so cute on our tree. Well I hope everyone has had a wonderful day, and a big thanks to everyone that has left some feedback, I love hearing what you all think.

It's Monday!!!!

Yeh , it's Monday and I'm off to a course that I'm doing that is run though the Body Shop for mums that are wanting to start their own buziness . It's a wonderful workshop and I have learnt soo much I was so happy when they accepted my application. Last night we decorated the C hristmas tree with our 3 year old Achlan , oh hes so excited about Santa coming it is just so wonderful to see all the magic in he eyes, I wish he could believe in Santa forever. I hope everyone has a wonderful day :)

December already........

I can't belive it december already and ony 17 days till Santa comes, I feel I have soo much to do but so little time arghhhh. I have been working on quite a few crochet projects ATM, I have just finished a doily ohh and it's so pretty. Thats it on the left, what do u think???? Like I said I have so much to do and so little time at the moment, but once Christmas is over I can focus on my crafts. I really would like to make a little income from it, There is a wonderful site called Etsy that just sells hand-made goodies, if you click on the link up the top on the right-hand side it will take me to me shop, please feel free to give me any feed back. Hope you all have a wonderful day. :)